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FLEXcon launches a hydrogel alternative Hydrogel Alternative: FLEXcon Creates a Healthcare Industry Disrupter

Fast forward to 1974, to a church where Silver’s colleague, Art Fry, was singing in a choir. Fry was frustrated because the bookmarks he was…

Efficient Overnight Efficient Overnight: Four Ways to Fast-track Material Savings

Most efficiency gains in raw materials are achieved through quality improvement techniques. That’s a methodology that should be ingrained into your operation; however, it often…

5 “Green” Converting Practices That Can Boost Your Bottom Line 5 “Green” Converting Practices That Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Within the converting industry, where scrap is a fact of life, the concept of reducing waste isn’t just a feel-good movement. It’s how converters do…

How Do You Choose the Right Flexible Packaging Materials? How Do You Choose the Right Flexible Packaging Materials?

Selecting the right flexible packaging materials is a lot like going to the doctor. To find your solution, you need to answer a barrage of…

Transdermal Patches: How to Choose the Right Materials Transdermal Patches: How to Choose the Right Materials

If you’re a converter looking to enter the transdermal medication market, one of the most important considerations is choosing the right transdermal patch materials. We…